Port aft beam detail with some putty on and some pre sanding, to get the hang of it. Rebates and exterior hull overlays can be seen. Rough and ugly but a good way to give good use to putty left overs from other works. No need to throw away epoxy putty when you can use it to start filling major lows. With time you should be left mostly with general fairing putty. Got to find a practical way to get that shiny waxy stuff out without hurting the fibre. Don´t simple washing and scrubbing will get there.
Other than the rebated areas it looks like I may walkway with minimum fairing compound, so I hope.
This is an idea I’ve been working on to solve the anchor door supports. I could pre-mold this profile (actually 4x250) and bond them around the anchor well cut out . The alternative of glassing straight on the well edges without vacuum doesn’t please a bit. On the other end, given the weather it´s a good task to take on.
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