segunda-feira, 22 de agosto de 2011

Weather issue

The hull has been ready since nearly the end of July for final major lamination. There has been some good weather since then but it just doesn´t macth up with friends being available. Now that I had everything set up for next Thursday the weather forecast is a bit on the wet side. No good for amine blush. On the other hand I can use whatever peel-ply I have left to mitigate the situation.
In the meantime I built the porch and fixed a rocking garden chair. Working with wire isn't for everyone. I took a taste of the mean stuff (8 gauge?) on the porch. One the chair used a 10 gauge wire but still had to put on a fight.
Tomorrow will see how it works!
The porch looks ok. Put some solar lamps on the covering.
Have loads aof stuff to do around the house but right now just wanted to finish the hull and get on with boat building.
Whatever is left of this summer looks like it's going to be a bit on the wet side and that's no good!

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