Laminating 6x7 m of 280gms glass using hand lay-up was getting me a bit nervous. The first layer gave some fight but then all went very well. I used the dry on wet method with plenty of resin under the first layer and that helped move the cloth around. Following layers just soaked up the excess resin . At the end used a bit more than 12 litres which brought the resin to glass resin pretty close to 50:50 which is better that I could ever anticipate.
Having three mechanical engineers as extra hands , including a college professor , to boss around (lol) was something special!
At the end cooled down a bit with some beer.
In the photo I'm the one with decent working clothes .lol
My thanks to Tó, Esteves ( the Prof) and J.Carvalho. I wouln't have been able to complete this stage without there precious help.
Now I'm making a pause as far as boat building goes.
My shop is a mess! I'm running out of floor space. Next week I hope I have a new set of shelves
and a decent working table custom made for the next building stage.
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